Director of the Gender Equality Research Institute
For the last 5 years, Kaja has been actively involved in establishment and management of the Gender
Equality Research Institute in Slovenia. She has also been active as state administration official in the
National Equality Body – the Advocate of the Principle of Equality and at the Ministry of Labour,
Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, in both cases covering the gender (in)equality related
The Gender Equality Research Institute has brough the United Nations #HeForShe campaign to
Slovenia and currently runs several other awareness-raising and education-driven EU and national
projects. Within the latter, Kaja has developed the GEMA (Gender Equality Management Assessment)
Certificate, the first certificate of a social corporate responsibility, which enables effective
implementation of gender equality in organizational structure, culture and working processes of
Kaja is also a member of the National Expert Council on Gender Equality and an international working
group on gender equality and diversity under the auspices of CEC European Managers (representing
around one million European managers in the EU social dialogue).