He attended the School of Social Work and Gea Collegu:
Entrepreneurship. Actively participated in the establishment of the
non-governmental sector in the field of mental health and, as a volunteer or
project manager, gained experience in numerous international projects in
Slovenia and with work in the social cooperative Cooperativa Sociale Lavoratori
Uniti “Franco Basaglia”, Trieste, Italia.
Create space between social and economics by promoting the
employment of vulnerable target groups in economic activities. With programs to
recruit vulnerable target groups, one of the founders of the non-governmental
organisation ŠENT, the Slovenian Association for Mental Health and soon
afterwards Dobrovite d.o.o., a company for training and employment of persons
with disabilities.
Co-author of Social Enterprise, from idea to practice, 2005,
a publication that defined social entrepreneurship in Slovenia. Currently
Director Dobrovite d.o.o. and professional director of employment programs at
ŠENT. Also a member of the Executive Board of the European Network of Social
Integration Enterprises (ENSIE), a European NGO that develops and promotes the
recruitment model of vulnerable target groups in Work Integration Social
Economy (WISE).