Passionate developer of mentoring culture & mentoring programs, Mentor, Ambassador of mentorship, lifelong learning, inclusion and AEIOU Leadership; Co-author of 4 mentoring books
Her moto: Knowledge is one of the few things we always carry with us and that no one can take away from us«
Half of her professional career she worked in the economy sector, on the operational, managerial and executive positions in the field of economics, marketing, sales and corporate finance and the other half on managerial and independent professional positions in domestic and international banks.
Being aware of the importance of strong social network for exchanging knowledge and experiences, she has been an active member of Managers’ Association of Slovenia, Corporate Treasurers Association and Association of Female Managers.
In 2018 she joined the mentoring network with Manager’s Association of Slovenia as a mentor. Her first experience was so positive that, together with her mentee, she wrote four books on mentoring in 2 years which had an excellent response from the professional public and also a strong motivational influence.
Today, she is passionate researcher and developer of mentoring culture and mentoring programs and active mentor in several mentoring programs. In the past four years she mentored a number of young women of different backgrounds and different career goals and each of this experience was very unique, having strong impact on lives of mentees as well as on hers. In order to spread the importance of mentoring in the society, she regularly publishes professional articles on mentoring and different HR topics in several magazines
She strongly believes that being a mentor is an extremely responsible and at the same time honorable role, with which you help others grow in all areas of their lives while growing yourself as well. She sincerely wants mentoring to be recognized as one of the most effective methods of learning and building interpersonal relationships by all generations, at all stages of their lives. Mentoring is also one of the most effective methods for raising awareness of the importance of diversity, inclusion and equality, since the essence of mentoring is interpersonal relationship based on sincerity and trust, in which we really see each other and help each other.