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After the successful launch in 2017 and 2018, Croatian, Slovenian and Romanian Diversity Charters have joined again forces to accelerate the inclusion and promotion of diversity management in the region.
The programme brings together a wide range of stakeholders and expertise and is designed to enable signatory organisations to embed diversity on a more strategic level, taking a step forward from one-off initiatives. It equips participants with the necessary tools, knowledge and skills to step away from improvisations and to approach D&I more strategically.
7 D&I Training Modules and a Regional Diversity Mentorship Scheme are a powerful learning and mentorship framework for the Charter’ signatories in these countries, enabling them to address more practically and strategically the principles stated in the Charters.
Tackling D&I issues in a practical and interactive manner help signatories becoming more active in the field of diversity, while establishing a solid framework for interactions and best practice sharing among signatory organisations.
Despre organizații

Slovenian Diversity Charter
The Diversity Charter Slovenia was launched on the 14th of November 2017 by the Slovenian partnership initiative from Dobrovita Ltd., Institute Sentprima, SKUP with the help of Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities in the Republic of Slovenia, Association of Contractors of Vocational Rehabilitation in the Republic of Slovenia, CNVOS -Centre for Information Service, Co-operation and Development of NGOs and Association of Employers of Slovenia. At the launch, 59 companies signed the diversity charter, including some of the biggest and best known in Slovenia -LEK (Sandoz company), IBM Slovenia, Oracle Slovenia, AquafilSLO Ltd, Atlantic Grupa, BMW, RLS, University Rehabilitation Institute, Republic of Slovenia, Studio Moderna and many others. | Contact: Barbara Zupancic,

Romanian Diversity Charter
The official launch of the Romanian Diversity Charter took place on 18 April 2018, Romania thus becoming the 21st country in the European Union with a Diversity Charter and benefiting from the membership in the European Diversity Platform. Today, the Charter brings together 155 signatories, covering approx. 200.000 employees from companies, public institutions and NGOs, who have publicly assumed the principles of the Charter, so that diversity, equal opportunities and social inclusion become values acknowledged and respected in Romania. Under the auspices of the Romanian Diversity Charter, several initiatives have taken place (experience exchanges, workshops, seminars, debates, task forces) where different practices and organizational policies of diversity management were presented, analyzed, debated and disseminated. Since 2021 the Charter and its signatories celebrate together the EU Diversity Month to promote diversity in the workplace and in society. | Contact – Dana Oancea,

Croatian Diversity Charter
The Diversity Charter Croatia was launched on October 4th 2017 with 34 signatories. Croatian Diversity Charter is run by the Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development (HR BCSD). Ambassadors are Gordana Kovačević, president the board of Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Marinko Došen, president of the board of AD Plastik, Goran Ražnjević, president of the board of Ilirija Biograd, John Gasparac, president of the board of PwC Croatia and Daria Mateljak, partner in Hauska & Partner. Croatian Diversity Charter has Alliance on Gender Equality which gathered organizations and bring public event every year during International women day. Also, Croatian DC organized workshops and educations on topics as LGBTIQ+, sustainability, diversity at workplace, human and children’s rights, gender equality all linked by SDGs. Croatian Diversity Charter have more then 90 signatories. | Contact: Mirjana Matesic,