Lesson 7 – Project Assignment

The following project assignment is among the 7 different assignments concerning each of the topics covered by the 7 modules. You must complete 1 out of the 7 offered assignments as a precondition to complete the entire training course. Your choice should be communicated to the project managers. You also have the option of opting to be assigned to a mentor who will help you go through the process of the assignment you chose.

Project Assignment 

Participants should go back to their organizations and make a preliminary analysis of how their company manages diversity and sustainability. Participants should analyse these impacts and write a 800-900 words concept that will answer the following questions:

  • What are the five major impacts that your organization has on sustainability?
  • Who is managing these impacts?
  • Does your organization have any responsibility and goals assigned to manage D&I? If yes, how do these responsibilities interconnect. Are the same people part of both teams?
  • Give a simple diagram of management structure for sustainability and D&I issues to see if they intercept and if, and how, they are connected. 

The first part of the Assignment will result in understanding of how a company manages sustainability and diversity topics. Now, participant should comment on what are some of the good and bad sides to this management structure and explain how this could be improved. Based on the analysis in the first part of the assignment, participant should prepare and elaborate a business case to make necessary changes to ensure sustainability and diversity are managed through the same business structure and by the same team. Give suggestions on how this management process should look like. Ensure that this structure will form diverse teams and will be encouraged to innovate for sustainability. Think of possible award schemes that will recognize teams that propose the most valuable innovations that result in positive changes. Suggest possible strategic documents, rulebooks or other written procedures that will ensure that diverse team are formed and supported in innovation for sustainability. This concept should have 1000 to 1500 words.

Finally, prepare a power point presentation for the Management Board that will present the findings of the Project Assignment and the suggestions for areas of improvement in terms of diversity and sustainability management. Prepare other documents and proposals, such as content of a management team for diversity and sustainability or award schemes that will help implement your suggestion.

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