Experienced expert, psychologist, lecturer and head of development at the Šentprima Institute and director of the Diversity Charter Slovenia. Barbara conducts workshops to establish mentoring programs in organizations and companies. She is a certified mentor of supervised practice for students of psychology and a passionate advocate of mentoring programs in organizations. She delivers trainings for the companies on how to launch mentorship programs and provide support for mentorship culture. She also trains mentors and mentees on how on inclusive interpersonal learning relation, based on modern paradigm of mentorship process.
Her main experience is in the field of work integration of vulnerable groups, vocational rehabilitation for people with health problems and also education of professionals and employers on how to create inclusive work environment for diverse employees (people with disabilities, foreign employees, youth, elder people…). She has contributed to a number of European projects with focus on raising awareness of the importance of inclusive diversity management in the workplace and on developing various support tools. Since 2017, she has been cooperating intensively with the European Platform of Diversity Charters and co-creating events and supporting tools for diversity management. In order to strengthen communication with company management for the implementation of diversity policies in the region, in 2017/2018, with the co-financing of the European Commission, she led the I.D.E.A.S. project, which established 3 European Diversity Charters, including the Slovenian one. Today she leads the activities of the DC for Slovenian signatories.