Luiza Banyai
Luiza Banyai has 20 years of experience in the field of People Experiences & Organizational Development held in her career various managerial HR roles for business like: Telecom, Pharma, BPO, IT software, Production, Energy Utilities companies & Gamming. The greatest gifts that Luiza has received in her career: being an engineer working in HR, leading great teams, supporting with her personal example, using both: her heart and her mind and always doing this with patience and kindness.
She has local and international exposure on: HR Strategy, People Engagement & Grows, Mentoring, Cultural Change, Diversity and Inclusion, Organizational Design, Employer Branding, Change Management, Rewards and Recognition, Retention and Reskilling.
She is open minded person, a continuous learner, a facilitator of change, culturally agile, embracing diversity and inclusion, building people capabilities, volunteering as mentor for young generation career draft and different social community activities. She loves what she’s doing!
Her belief: We’re all different and unique. This is the key ingredient for me in working on building people capabilities and creating positive impact in my life!